Onatti writes new exciting plays and uses different modern styles of theatre to make foreign languages accessible and mix language learning with entertainment.
To achieve this we craft the spoken word to complement your teaching.

"Production was superb!
Simply superb...pitched perfectly. ...fantastic performance"
Oakham School

This play is performed completely in German
Performed by natvie German actors
Auf dem Campingplatz is a funny play for students who are learning German and ideally have completed at least one year of German at secondary level.
For 12-16 year olds

45 mins long
A very entertaining play, perfect for teenagers learning German

Pitched perfectly
Pitched perfectly
Oakham School
Oakham School

What is the play about?
Auf dem Campingplatz is a very popular play which has toured before.
Two friends go on a camping trip. After a train and taxi ride they arrive at the campsite and realise it is not exactly what they were expecting and they are totally unprepared.
No mobile reception and no food turns.
Then the discovery of a packet of crips turns these friends into hostile enemies and things get out of control.
The play will reinforce your language teaching in a humorous and exaggerated manner.
It is a great opportunity to hear native German actors using vocabulary you have taught them. This will also give your students a chance to use some of their French.
Touring schools all over the UK

This play is performed by two native German actors. The spoken German will be delivered slowly and clearly.
We want your students to be able to follow the story, sustain their enjoyment and above all to boost their confidence.
is this play
January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
April 2025
Every play is accompanied with worksheets.
They contain a synopsis of the play, some extracts from the written script and some useful words and phrases